


Circular-Splitting-Saw for pigs for small and medium throughput plants

  • mechanical motorbrake MMB
  • Circular sawblade gross toothed, stainless steel KGZ320
  • spiral cable SK
  • straight handle (on top of gear neck) GH
  • water supply with spiral-hose for cooling and rinsing of cutting surface

physical characteristics

Weight – 19,0 kg
Diameter – 320 mm
Cutting depth – 120 mm
Bore – 52 mm
Speed – 1327 m/s
Revolutions – 1320 /min.

electronic input

Phasen – 3
Voltage – 42 V
Protection – 65 IP

Input Wasser

Wasseranschluss 20°C – 3/8 inch

electronik output

Power – 1800 Watt (50Hz)/VA
output_leistung_hp_50hz – 2,4 hp (50Hz)/VA